Saturday, January 23, 2010

GroupB Delivery2: Hill, Kyle


  1. Hey Kyle,

    Good work going through marking everything on your script and really nice shot list.

    Just something about the shot list that I noticed from looking through it. It looks great and has a lot of good sounding shots, but be cautious about planning so many dolly shots because unless you keep it around the same place and lighting set-ups it may be hard to get all the shots done in a single day. I only say that because I also planned on dolly shots for my film but ended up not really doing any other than handhelds and sticks because time constraints and divine intervention happened so I had to axe them so just be aware of that for your shoot.

    Your schedule seems well laid out but again just be wary because you are planning on a LOT of pages per day. I'll have my fingers crossed for you buddy I can't wait to see some footage!

  2. Your lined script looks really good. (and more organized than mine!)

    When are you shooting? I think with a good AD you'll be able to get your shots finished on time. I'm crossing my fingers for you as well!

  3. So your lined script looks great. Your shooting schedule looks well organized also. Do you have your locations locked? Im excited for this film because you have an interesting location with the cleaners. I think as far as organization goes you are really locked down. Good luck

  4. Everything looks good, seems well organized, and well....when are you shooting?!!
