Saturday, January 23, 2010

GroupB Delivery2: Fossum, Melissa


  1. Melissa,

    Don't worry about feeling bad about your drawing skills, they look like Da Vinci drew them compared to if I were to draw my own. Good job marking you script with the shots based off of your shot list as well! Not much else to say although I saw your tweet about losing an actor or two?? I hope everything works out for you!!

  2. Yeah, my actors playing Seth and Lacey bailed a couple days ago. They took a paid gig. While I kinda can't blame them, it is pretty scary to have this happen 2 weeks before production. They run an acting studio and gave my phone number/email to a couple they said were good actors and could see playing the part. They didn't give me their contact info though, so I'm definitely waiting by the phone and email right now. I have a bunch of actresses from auditions who could replace Lacey, but am having a hard time finding a replacement Seth. I'm gonna have David read with one of the girls sometime this week and see how it goes.

    Ah yes, Murphy was in fact a filmmaker.

  3. Hey, I know how you feel. The main actress bailed three days before I shot but it worked out well. I found another girl to play it. No matter what there is always a solution. Example, the power in the kitchen blew out so while some crew worked on that, we had a skeleton crew go out and shoot exterior car stuff. If you are organized, which it looks like you are, these problems will find solutions. I wish you a ton of luck. I dont see an updated script so in class I will address a few changes you may have thought about. Have you expanded the story at all? Have you added more controversy? I like the original idea so hopefully it is just getting better and better.

  4. Melissa:

    I stand by what I said when you came over earlier; you have a conflict that ends without really being resolved. As I told you earlier, if you see a gun in Act One, it goes off in Act Three. You've got a gun going off in Act Three without it being seen before.

    I'd really sit down and figure out who your characters are, and what they WANT - individually! Story = conflicts between needs - emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, etc. The proceeding story (to hell with 'plot') should be the process of revealing those wants and the facets of each character through action and dialogue. The resolution should come from stuff revealed as mentioned before.

    I rehash this only because I don't think your script quite accomplishes that. But I know you can there there.
