Saturday, January 23, 2010

GroupA Delivery2: Mejia, Emilio


  1. Hey, for some reason I cannot post a comment on the vimeo page, I could on other so I don't know what happened but here it goes...

    I liked your comparison of LOTR and LoA for the traveling shots, I wish we would have gotten one where she was further in the distance but perhaps that can be green screened later. The comparison of 300 was very well shot on Relics, it will have a very solarized look and feel when complete. I will make sure you have the final composited footage when it is complete. Good work son.

  2. Weird. According to the privacy settings, any of the CAP481 Vimeo account contacts should be able to post comments and you're one of them.

    Anyway, thanks. We can definitely get away with a lot with the green screen stuff we have yet to do. But still, I wish we would have gotten it during principal photography.

  3. I figured that Vimeo thing out, the Add Contact feature has to go both ways in order to add a comment, I did that for everyone I could find in the class, still a few people missing though.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
