Saturday, January 23, 2010

GroupA Delivery1: Mejia, Emilio


  1. The scene looks good and I am interested to see the final project. I unfortunately am out of the loop as to what the whole story is for this film but it looks intense. What kind of post are you planning to get the tone you want? And is this the feel expected throughout the entire film? Just a few questions I have to help put this film in place.

    Matt Flynn

  2. Very cool. It's hard for me to see if continuity is working for this scene since it hasn't been edited yet, but it looks great so far. Good job!

  3. hey Emilio. just letting you know i posted my comment on the vimeo page. see you in class.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. When the actor says, “Just because we have the same fuckin mother don’t mean that we’re brothers,” I feel that the camera should be pointed directly at his face. I feel this way because it is a very powerful statement and you would be able to get more out of it from just a different camera angle. I know that all of that was just raw footage and do not know what the end result will look like, but I do feel that the audience can really look into his eyes when he says this statement. (as long as you don’t break the 180 rule, of course, haha). Great job this delivery cycle. Keep it coming and I think the film will turn out very well by the end of the semester.

  6. I just want to say thanks again for all the great comments. It is really satisfying to finally be able to show you guys some of my work, especially after last semester I just prepared presentations for you. I'll show some more footage in class Wednesday. Again, none of what I will show this semester is edited in narrative at all. It's not my place to say how the director/editor should cut the film together. I'm just about the images that will work with their stories. Also, I am not going to be posting every angle we shot. I also don't want to give away key moments until the director has a chance to present them to you all. I just want to give you a taste of what I've been doing for them.

  7. Great job with the lighting! I posted more comments on the viemo video. but the idea of using the light to express the emotions of each character was fantastic. Awesome job.
